
Katie Solano, NY

I’ve tried everything to clear up my face, and nothing has really had the results I’ve wanted. I came across this pillow one day on the internet and gave it a try, as I sleep with my face against my pillow.  This has really made a huge improvement on my acne. I now have so much more confidence. Thank you.

Tom Henderson, NV

I just want to encourage everyone to try the YourFacePillow.  I was tired of using so many different products that didn’t really work. This pillow makes sense and works. It took a few nights to get used to, but I love it.

Mary Whittaker, CA

I would always wake up with major creases and sleep lines on my face, as I usually slept with my face pressed firmly against my pillow. I was fairly certain that this was causing deep set wrinkles, and would become permanent over time. I am so glad I purchased this product. I wake up with my face looking rejuvenated and fresh.